Linar Yakupov is marked out in ISLAMICA 500, the unique project of ISFIN, the largest consulting organization for the Islamic financial markets.
In ISLAMICA 500, data on leading experts in area of Islamic economy and the “halal” industry from around the world are published. The peculiar guide contains curriculum vitae about each of experts, whose efforts and achievements formed the basis of development of the Islamic economy on a global scale.
The encyclopedia contains information on pioneers of the Islamic finance world, Muslims and non-Muslims, men and women who represents a range economy sectors: finance, science, business, politics, the international relations, the law, mass media and the capital markets – all the areas that exert influence on Islamic economy.
The president of Islamic Business and Finance Development Fund (IBFD Fund) Linar Yakupov became one of the first Russian experts who joined such a significant Islamic finance project. Linar Yakupov has graduated from the faculty of economy and management of the International Islamic university of Malaysia. He is the founder of the annual International economic summit of Russia and the countries of OIC (KazanSummit) which is carried out in the Russian Federation since 2009. Since 2010, he is the head of the Islamic Business and Finance Development Fund, the center of competence in Islamic business and finance of Russia.
Linar Yakupov has been working effectively to promote Islamic Finance in Russia since 2001. In 2013, he has been awarded the prestigious Global Islamic Finance Awards (GIFA) in «Islamic Finance Advocacy Award 2013» category for his effectiveness in promoting Islamic banking and finance in Russian Federation. Linar Yakupov is an expert in global finance and investments promotion on both Russian and international level, and is doing a substantive work to attract direct foreign investments and to develop Islamic Finance in Russia and CIS countries. He is a frequent participant and speaker at large-scale events on Russian and international level.
For reference
ISLAMICA 500 is fully independent source of information, which cooperates with such media giant as Forbes and publishes the views of chairmen, experts and businessmen worldwide who take active part in development of Islamic economy and the “halal” industry.